Saturday, June 22, 2013

My Educational Philosophy

Wordle: Educational Philosophy
I believe that not all students learn in the same way.  As a future educator I feel that technology is the key to reaching more students than ever before.  As a student before the technology was everywhere I often had difficulties in learning material in some subjects. As a student now the amount of information I have access to just with my cell phone amazes me.  I certainly do believe that as educators we need to embrace and use all the technology we can in the classroom.  As a person who is attached to my phone I do understand the need to be constantly updated on everything. I check my emails ten times a day.  I am constantly texting and on social media sites.  I understand the need that students have to be constantly connected digitally.  As an educator I am excited to use that in my classroom
Lecturing from a textbook may work for some students but it has always been the case that some simply need to have information presented to them in nontraditional ways. That number of students will steadily increase as the amount of technology around them increases. With the amount of access everyone now has that is a much easier task for educators who are willing to embrace it.  I am excited to be able to use technology in various ways in my classroom.  I am excited to be able to connect with my students in and out of the classroom with digital media.  I also love the idea that apps and games can be created to help students who do not learn traditionally.  I also look forward to using these tools to track progress and see where students need help.  I think that will make me a better teacher. 
Of course with everything so easily accessed there are drawbacks.  I enjoy human interaction and that is something that I see less and less of.  Everywhere you look people are on their smart phones.   I do worry that with all the uses for technology there are in the classroom that overuse will lead to a lack of human contact.  I feel that students need to feel personal connections with their teachers in order to be able to really succeed in school.  There is definitely a need for greater use of technology in the classroom, but I feel it is equally important to keep a personal relationship that involves direct interaction between students and their teachers as well as their peers.